Music of the War of 1812
United States Field Music

TUNES 1                       TUNES 2

TUNES 3                       TUNES 4

Copy Book (Denny Beck, 1786)
Copy Book (Edward Murphy 1790)
Evening Amusement (Carr, 1796)
Copy Book (Benjamin Clark, 1797)
Copy Book (Joseph Stutterd, 1800-1815)
The Fifer’s Companion (Cushing, 1804)
The Complete Tutor for the Fife (Willig, 1805)
Instructor in Martial Music (Hazeltine, 1810)
Copy Book (John Carrol, 1810-1812)
The Drum and Fife Instructor (Robbins, 1812)
A…Complete System of Drum Beating (Ashworth, 1812)
A… Preceptor for the Fife (Steele, 1815)
The Drummer’s Instructor (Rummle and Holton, 1817)
Songs and Music of Camp Dupont (Blake, 1818)
The Massachusetts Collection of Martial Musick (Robinson, 1818)
The Drummer’s Assistant (Lovering, 1818)
The Drummer and Fifer’s Guide (Bruce and Emmet, 1861)
Music of Ireland (O’Neill, ND)